Now You See Me 2 Movie Stills

Now You See Me 2 looks great with lots of popular cast. The story line seems interesting enough as the four horseman goes against Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) - a tech prodigy. And they did change one of the main four horseman - Isla Fisher with Lizzy Caplan. Jeese Heisenberg, Dave Franco and Woody Harrelson coming back to their own character.

I don't know what going to happens with Mark Ruffalo character (Dylan) and Morgan Freeman (Thaddeus) character as the first movie ended with Dylan got his revenge on Thaddeus.

Can't wait to see the movie! Here is some stills promotion of the movie.

Woody,Dave, Daniel, Lizzy, Jeese

Daniel Radcliffe
Mark Ruffalo
Morgan Freeman
Lizzy Caplan, Woody Harrelson, Dave Franco
daniel atlas jeese heisenberg
Now You See Me 2 Movie Stills
Jay Chow
Mark Ruffalo
The Eyes